Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Life full of Happiness

Basically I haven't made any blog for this week so I really feel the need to come up with one. Alright, here it is.

I kinda met this girl, although i havnt had any close circumstance yet ( and im hoping we could have in the nearest future) really. I should say that I'm so at ease when i talk to her, every moment is filled with joy. No dull moment, and the talk is just amazing. I can talk about anything to her, and as far as i can sense it she can too towards me.

What seems to be so great is that we share some characters and upbringings that's why we can relate with each other. She's easy to talk with, sweet and charming.. I'm really overwhelmed with her kindness.

we've been exchanging words for almost a little over a week now. Seriously, i kept all her messages from the very beggining til the end.

I'll name her Happiness. Yeah, that's perfect.since that what she is to me. And that what she makes me feel every second.

life in general as anyone says, is full of it. You just have to appreciate everything around you.
And you need to look closer,.. it might not be the perfect life you picture, but seriously it is. Full of moments filled with happiness.

And one more thing, I love saying that word now.. happiness.. happiness .. *wink*


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"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul"

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