Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hi everyone. I can't think of anything to start my thoughts tonight but with a greeting. I have a lot of things, random things happening in my life right now. Recently just had a S.O. Just finished moving back to my house, which is exhausting and I should say happy,sad,hard and easy combined. Confusing isn't it? yeah I thought so too. That's exactly what I'm feeling right now.

I can't help but to think of the fact that I'm constantly searching for a place.. I guess we all do. Somewhere we think we matter. A place where we can feel that you're not just an ordinary neighbor. Friend that you can always rely on, an office mate that you eat lunch with everyday. And until you find that place, you'll continue searching.

But as of tonight, i can't say that I've found it just yet. But I can say that I am enjoying the journey that I'm in. I feel that whatever life come my way... I'm not alone. I have someone that will make it worthwhile. I'm hoping to have her as I face the future challenges my life will offer. And she has me for whatever life may take her. We'll be finding Atlantis, no matter this place really exist or not..


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"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul"

Just my two cents


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