Sunday, February 21, 2010

It doesn't matter. Who is without flaw?

ive never felt so lost and confused in my entire life as until i was lying in bed this one sunday morning. A lot of things had happened recently, things beyond my sanity could ever imagine. terrible things. sad decisions. confusing situation. happy thoughts. great friends. lovely neighborhood.agonizing heartbreaks. weak will. painful considerations.repeating second thoughts.

And then i asked myself. Are all these worth it. Do i deserve to be in this same exact situation.

It has been great to live in a place where you actually matter. But what if I myself doesnt deserve to be in such place? What if, after meeting these wonderful people im still destined to be alone? These are the questions that are completely driving me insane. How do handle a situation by which a part of you wants to do something, but then the other half would actually tell you that you are bound to do something else.ouch.Tension of the opposites.Feels like im a rubber band being stretched until i completely snap out and lose it.

I dont want to be anything other than me.
I am myself. Have to act on my belief.Keep strong. Live the life. Stand by my decisions. I am doing it. I feel sad, but im totally moving on.


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"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul"

Just my two cents


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