Tonight was fun. We played the usual badminton weekly game being held at 'The ZOne' every Thursday. We had 2 hours of tough games. I must say were really improving. One of our officemates mentioned that they were planning of getting a formal training in this game. We thought it would be exciting. So were all looking forward of getting an appointment to a badminton coach.
Anyway,Ely and I had a bet and about getting in at the office at a certain time. And ofcourse, I won. so after the game, we tagged along to Mj and dropped us by at Araneta. We took our dinner around past 10 and had the promised "bucket of beers". We have talked some things over. Bout anything, it was a nice talk. Then we headed our separate ways going home.
I took my usual way of transpo and I decided to go back to the house i'm renting (Just so you know, My mom is living there with our adapted kid). I thought of dropping by since there is a send off party i need to be at. It was around 1:30 when i arrived and i realized that there's no one left anymore.
I texted a friend and mentioned bout it. As usual, he can't be of a company due to exams and all that crap. (Student stuff). So I decided to get back home to where I am staying now (with my tita). All in all this is not an interesting journal to read for but i just want to have my share of how things went last night. Today is friday and Thank God for it. Yiha! friday is my favorite day of the week. We'll of course i love weekend. But friday tells me i'll be free for a couple of days. thinking of nothing but how to spend my days off. I'm thinking about a couple of things but let's see.. Nuff for now. ayt. d: >
Boracay Island, Aklan
10 years ago
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